Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions


If this is something that you would like us to do, then we can carry out internal training for you at an affordable price.  This trains your staff to write engaging, informative, authoritative and sometimes humorous content for your website and blog, for example, including training on keyword densities and keyword targeting, to help drive users to your website.

Some clients want us to carry out paid advertising campaigns for them, and this is something we can offer, for which we charge a small monthly management fee to optimise and manage the campaign for you.

Again, this depends upon the package we put together for you.  Social media is here to stay and is an excellent way to target potential new customers for your business.  We are able to advise, post and work with you to ensure that your social media campaign runs to its maximum potential.

This is a facility that we are able to offer, from the initial storyboarding and concept creation, through to fulfilment.  We will work with you to achieve your company goals and objectives, ensuring that your videos and animations reflect your corporate image, branding and message.

Yes.  App production is an ever-growing part of our business and so we’d welcome the opportunity to sit down with you to discuss your requirements.

It’s important with any business arrangement to manage expectations, both yours and ours.  We ask you to sign a contract which specifies what we will do for you, and what you will do for us.  Assuming that both parties fulfil their requirements, then we will enjoy a happy relationship!

There are a number of ways to make payment which will be outlined in our proposal.  Normally, for a one off payment we would take payment by debit or credit card.  For ongoing monthly campaigns, we would normally expect a direct debit to be set up for the recurring payment.

Yes.  All our clients have a single point of contact who will be in regular contact with you from the very start of your campaign.

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